Create the energetic re-set you need to ensure you are releasing any unconscious resistance between you and the results you want to manifest or receive into your life!

Let’s figure out what energy you are choosing to live in daily..because that’s the energy you are receiving in too!

Becoming Unstuck

A 21 day energetic reset to release resistance and receive more with ease!

Life time access to all training modules

You will have access to these powerful training modules [and any future updates] to ensure that you can check back in and reset your energy when you notice yourself slipping back into stuck mode again!

Lifetime access to members only support group

The support group will be there for you when you need it, if you have a question or you want us to celebrate with you!

Here is what you will find inside …

Training #1 "Preparing for Receiving mode!"

The truth is that in order to receive more in business and life we must EMBODY receiving in all areas of our life!

We must allow ourselves to be supported starting with how we allow this to happen!

This training will teach you the very simple steps you can start taking IMMEDIATELY so you can turn on receiving mode right now!

Training #2 "Allowing yourself to have what you want!"

We stop ourselves ALL THE TIME from having our desires, often telling ourselves its not the right time. We can feed ourselves lie after lie and start to believe them.

And the kicker is..we do this unconsciously 99% of the time.

This training is going to shine a bright light on what you have actually been doing and help you step out of this energy by bringing fun, productivity, structure and the things you actually want into your life!


Training #3 "Moving from I can't to I can!"

This is the energy that will completely stop you in your tracks and block you from having all that you want. You could be doing all the work, taking every action you can and it’s still feeling hard. It’s because you are focused on what isn’t instead of what is!

This training will show you how to quickly and simply move out of this huge RESULT BLOCKING energy so that you can start allowing those results to manifest and step back into flow mode!

What People Say

“What an amazing lady Breda Stackpool is!!!!! I am in awe. Move over Tony Robbins, and Oprah Winfrey!!!!!!!”

Victoria Mary Clarke

Media Coach

“I’m absolutely in awe of how Bredas courses have helped me.”

Mariel O'Keeffe

“Breda’s amazing ability and knowledge always blows me away.”

Grace Gleeson

Light of Life Holistic

Hi I’m Breda Stackpool,

And I am going to help you stop feeling stuck and step into a free flowing receiving energy!

Here is what I know =>> universal laws are at play and we can manifest or block our desires.
The energy we choose to live in can either block what we want or open us to receive it.
I have found that there are 2 very common result blocking energies that we tend to unconsciously live in!

There was a time in my life I worried about EVERYTHING.
I was in a constant state of fear and overwhelm…expecially about business!

It’s not happening fast enough.

I’m not good enough.
They are not buying.
Maybe I’m doing it all wrong!


I got really curious about how energy and how you feel plays a role in the results we create in our lives!

I started doing my own work.
I started taking full responsibility for my own life.
I started noticing the results I did not have and dissecting them to find out why.
I discovered that I was spending my time in two of the most dangerous result blocking energies.
I decided to figure out how to get myself out of them.
Then it happened..
I was less stressed.
In business, sales started becoming easier and easier.
I was starting to have more fun.
I started having more time to do things.
I was stepping back into my power again and IT FELT GREAT.
Here is what I will tell you..
I don’t let things affect me anymore…AND believe me when I say that the non-results used to CRIPPLE me!
But the surprise was that this ease has trickled into all parts of my life..
Basically the stress does not follow me around anymore! [well most of the time 🙂 ]
I hardly EVER find myself in stuck energy anymore..and when I do I know how to move myself out of it quickly!

First, we are going to make sure that you are open to RECEIVING..skip this step and you’ll find it very hard to attract what you desire.

In order to receive you must be embodying the art of receiving. You will learn what simple steps you can start taking immediately to allow yourself to receive AND be supported more!

Second, we are going to help you step into the mindset of Allowing Yourself to Want what we want.. because we talk ourselves out of things before we even try sometimes!

We block ourselves from having what we want ALL THE TIME! You will identify exactly how you are doing this and figure out what you need to do to clean this up and start allowing more in faster….You won’t believe what you will uncover!!

The Third and Final Step is to Move you from the belief of “I CAN’T” to the belief “I CAN” so that you can stop getting in your own way!

This is the most destructive energy we allow ourselves to sit in. It can cause us to believe our own lies, create huge anxiety in our lives and keep us so far away from our big goals for YEARS! You will learn what you need to do in order to eliminate this energy from your life and open yourself to receive more with ease! This one will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!


You are allowed to have what you want!


You will get immediate acess to training modules, any future updates and the support group!